Vape & CBD Blog Posts

The Benefits of CBD Patches: A New Way to Medicate

The Benefits of CBD Patches: A New Way to Medicate

Content Executives
Have you heard about CBD patches? They're a new way to get your CBD hit that's discreet and easy to use. CBD, or cannabidiol, has become super popular for its benefits like reducing anxiety and pain. Using patches allows the CBD to be absorbed through your skin so it can target sore spots or pain points directly.

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CBD for Men: The Ultimate Guide to Improving Health and Wellness

CBD for Men: The Ultimate Guide to Improving Health and Wellness

Content Executives

Written By Christian Jones - Content Executive at JM Wholesale   Looking to improve your health and tap into the wellness benefits of CBD? You’ve come to the right place. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about using CBD products to enhance your life as a man. We’ll explore the top CBD product such as oils,...

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Shortfill E-Liquids: The Diverse Range of Flavours

Shortfill E-Liquids: The Diverse Range of Flavours

Content Executives

Written By Christian Jones - Content Executive at JM Wholesale  Have you ever wondered about the wide variety of shortfill e-liquid flavours out there? Escpecially as we may loose these gems due to the ban. From savoury options like Sadboy's rich, umami 100ml shortfills to fruity Fantasi blends bursting with juicy notes, there's something for every taste. Fancy something sweet?...

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The Evolution of SKE Vapes: From Disposables to Pod Kits

The Evolution of SKE Vapes: From Disposables to Pod Kits

Content Executives
SKE have come a long way since their original Crystal Bar disposable vape back in 2022. Join me on a journey exploring SKE's product evolution, from those early disposable vapes to their latest pod kits.

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Petition Opposing Flavour Ban in the UK Currently at Over 50,000 Signatures

Petition Opposing Flavour Ban in the UK Currently at Over 50,000 Signatures

David Tuckwell

The vaping industry in the UK is facing a significant shake-up as the government sets its sights on banning flavoured e-liquids. This move, aimed at curbing underage vaping, has sparked intense debate within the industry. To counter this many in the industry have come together to launch the Stop the Flavour Ban Campaign. Currently there are surplus of 50,000 signatures...

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How the Vape Industry Is Embracing Sustainability

How the Vape Industry Is Embracing Sustainability

Content Executives
You know that feeling when you finish a disposable vape and toss it, wondering where it'll end up? Those days are fading fast as the vape industry takes big steps towards sustainability.

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